Prescription drugs sometimes perpetrate the ultimate betrayal. You go to your doctor complaining of a condition that has become not just limiting, but intolerable, and they provide you a prescription for relief. Conversely, rather than help you, these prescriptions have instead hurt you, and have made your life more difficult than it ever was before. If you’re reading this, you likely have found yourself with an addiction to prescription drugs. You have likely tried to quit on your own — unsuccessfully. At Alpine Recovery Lodge, we provide supervised drug detox to help you break your addiction to prescription medications.
Some of the prescription medication addictions were see involve:
Ø Adderall — A long-acting type of amphetamine, Adderall misuse is favored by students and others who need to stay awake and perform for long periods of time. An Adderall addiction can be both physical and mental, as users believe they need this drug to achieve.
Ø Ritalin — Not in the amphetamine class, this shorter-acting drug still has the potential to become addictive. Those addicted to Ritalin report similar levels of sleeplessness, anger and irritability as people addicted to Adderall.
Ø Vyvanse — Created to be less habit-forming than Ritalin and Adderall, many users still find themselves addicted to Vyvanse. Swallowed, snorted, injected or mixed with alcohol, Vyvanse has the potential to be as dangerous as more sinister amphetamines.
An important part of drug detox is not having the drug available to you, and this is why drug treatment facilities are often located in rural areas — away from street corners, bus lines and busy areas. One thing that makes our inpatient drug rehab facility different from many others is that we have a medical doctor on staff to supervise your detox from prescription medication. Our doctor will monitor your vital signs, administer medicines to help with gastrointestinal or other physical symptoms, and help ensure your overall health as you go through the process.
While most drug detox procedures are done without the assistance of prescription medication, exceptions include opioids, benzodiazepines and amphetamines. With these drugs, medications can sometimes be helpful in dealing with the withdrawal symptoms. That being said, we understand that many of our clients wish to complete the prescription drug detox process without assistance from pharmaceuticals, and we respect that choice. During your drug detox, our nurses, therapists and counselors provide all the support and individual attention you need to succeed.
As you may be aware, most drug rehab facilities incorporate various types of therapy into their program. Therapy is essential for learning what makes you susceptible to drug addiction and teaches you how to manage symptoms and triggers so that you can remain drug-free for life. Dual diagnosis is often part of this step, since underlying mental health struggles are often what propels our clients into their struggles with drug addiction. Anxiety and depression in particular are difficult for people to identify in themselves, and instead of getting the help they need, they may try to self-medicate with prescription or illegal drugs, or alcohol.
When you undergo individual therapy with our trained therapists and counselors, you will engage in talk therapy that helps bring underlying issues to the surface that stand in the way of your success. These can be mental health challenges, but they can also be buried traumas, either from childhood or ones you suffered more recently, that have led to you becoming addicted to meds.
Often when our clients are attending our residential drug treatment program, their loved ones participate in family therapy with them. Your prescription drug addiction has likely affected your family greatly. They need to know how to support you in your recovery from drug addiction, and you must work together so they can learn to trust you again. Unfortunately, prescription drug addiction often comes with mountains of shame and guilt. You may have told lies, broken promises, cheated or even stolen due to your addiction. Rebuilding your relationships will take time, and our counselors will help.
While you are at our inpatient rehab center, you will also likely participate in group therapy. This is essential because it is here that you will meet people who are in the same situation as you. You will learn that you are not alone in your prescription drug addiction, that there are others just like you who are willing to listen to and support you, and this will bring you both peace and strength.
Our counselors and therapists will also encourage you to take part in nature therapy, which includes going outdoors and participating in walks, hikes or sports. Moving your body, getting fresh mountain air and being out in nature delivers powerful benefits you may have forgotten about when you were in the throes of your prescription drug addiction.
We also promote experiential therapy — a form of therapy in which clients participate in creative pursuits such as painting, sculpting, playing music, journaling or other outlets as a way to release anger, fear and tension, and to promote healing.
For those who have been through our residential drug treatment program, we provide outpatient services. The first step down from residential treatment is our day treatment program, which clients attend five to six days per week from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., after which they are allowed to leave the campus and return home to their families.
Following this stage is our IOP (intensive outpatient) program, in which you receive the most of the same services you get in day treatment, but for fewer hours per day and fewer days per week. Attendance is reduced gradually until you eventually graduate from the program.
You will find our inpatient rehab center at the foot of the beautiful Wasatch Range in Alpine, Utah. The scenery and surroundings are a stunning backdrop for your recovery from prescription medication addiction. You will feel comfortable and supported while staying in our well-appointed lodge, and you will further feel inspired whenever you look out the floor-to-ceiling windows to see the soaring, snow-capped mountains, blazing fall foliage or the thick carpet of lush, green grass. We encourage clients to go on walks or hikes where they may spot deer, rabbits, foxes or one of many types of birds or other woodland creatures.
While you are here, our star chef will prepare all your meals to ensure you are getting a good balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. We even offer nutrition classes to help ensure you will continue to eat healthy foods when you leave our residential facility, as proper nutrition is so important to continued success after drug rehab.
You have likely struggled with your addiction to prescription medications for some time, hoping that you could recover under your own power. If you realized you can’t, we want you to understand how very difficult it is to detox from prescription medication on your own, and that is why our residential drug treatment facility exists: to help people like you get their lives back. Are you ready? We’re here for you.