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How Can I Support a Recovering Addict?

The Value of Support to a Recovering Addict

"You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice..." quoteAccording to statistics approximately 23 million people over the age of twelve needed treatment for addiction problems, but many of them never make it to the step of seeking it out. If your loved one has made it as far as to sign up for a rehab treatment, then there is a good reason to have hope. It is important to remember that your support will be key in help sustaining their recovery from the addiction, and that you can offer them help in ways that no rehab or treatment plan can.

Knowing exactly how to help some with an alcohol or drug abuse problem can be tricky. It is a role that demands lot of time, energy and thought. The following tips ware recommended by the staff at a Utah Rehab facility to all individuals who are helping a love one recover from an addiction.

# 5 Tips on Supporting a Recovering Addict from a Utah Rehab Facility

  1. Understand the Addiction Problem isn’t Absolved After Treatment

    The effect of addictions can impact an individual and those around them financially and psychologically for many years to come. Expecting these issues make them easier to manage.

  2. Know that Relapse is Statistically a Real Risk

    A large majority of addicts relapse at some point. Watch for signs that the recovering addict many be relapsing and have a plan to address this issue. Most importantly be ready to offer them a safe environment if they do relapse and do not give up hope on their recovery.

  3. Stay Involved During the Recovery Process and After

    Learn about what are the best ways you can help an addict via the counselors of the addict, online resources, books and support groups. Know that you will need to help them not only during the time they are rehab, but also for the weeks and years to come when their recovering the addiction will continue.

  4. Ask for Outside Support of the Addict

    Let friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, neighbors and anyone who you think may be appropriate to help support the recovering addict. This will not only relieve pressure of your shoulders, but it will also provide even more support for the recovering addict.

  5. Take Care of Yourself

    Living with a recovering addict is stressful on the person who is trying to offer support. By managing your own stress, you can more effectively off them support. Take active measures to manage your stress like meditation, support groups, counseling, yoga, exercise, vacations, walking or anything that helps you unwind.



