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How to Find the Best Drug Rehab Center for Your Needs

Woman walking on a bridge outside in the forestWhether you have a problem with illicit drugs or need help overcoming a prescription pill addiction, finding a quality drug rehab center where you can get sober is of utmost importance. There are several considerations you’ll need to take into account so you can find the best program for your individual needs. Read on to learn how to find the best addiction center to treat your addiction.

Types of Drug Rehab Centers

There are several different types of rehab centers; generally, inpatient programs are recommended for more severe drug addictions, and the length of your stay will also depend on the severity of your drug use.

Outpatient programs

“Outpatient” means it is not a live-in program. These programs are generally for when you are already sober, but want to prevent relapse. These programs typically consist of therapy and meetings with your substance abuse counselor 2-4 times a week.

Residential treatment

These are live-in facilities where you undergo intensive drug addiction treatment, which usually includes detox, group therapy, and individual counseling. Stays at inpatient programs typically range from 1-3 months.

Partial hospitalization

Partial hospitalization is for when you require ongoing medical monitoring but have stable living arrangements. These programs usually require the patient to be at the hospital several days a week, for several hours a day.

Sober living

Recovering addicts who have completed residential treatment often go on to live at a sober living facility after rehab. Sober living provides a stable, structured living environment with other recovering addicts.

What to Look For in a Drug Rehab Center

When searching for a drug rehab center, you don’t want to choose just any rehab clinic that offers to take your money. You need to research the facility to make sure they are able to provide quality treatment. Here are some things to look for:

  • The program is accredited by the state in which the facility operates
  • The program is run by licensed mental health professionals
  • The program offers quality aftercare treatment and resources

Typically, you can find out some or all of this information on the rehab center’s website, but you should also verify accreditation with state agencies, read reviews from former patients, and ask to speak with the program’s director.

Other Considerations

In addition to the type of drug rehab center (inpatient, outpatient, sober living, etc.) and the reputation of a drug rehab center, your choice will also depend on factors such as the type of addiction you struggle with, location, and others. Here are some more questions you might ask when considering a drug rehab center:

  • Do they have experience treating your specific substance addiction? (e.g., meth, alcohol, opiates, etc.)
  • Do they provide a spiritual focus? (if this is important to you)
  • Do they accept your insurance?
  • Will you have to travel very far to get there?
  • What are the facilities like?
  • Do they provide therapies and activities you might enjoy, such as exercise or nature therapy?

Talking to the director at the treatment facility can help you determine if the rehab center provides the qualities you’re looking for.

Resources to Find a Drug Rehab Center

If you need help finding the best drug rehab center in your area, here are some resources that can help you out.

SAMHSA Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator
SAMHSA Directory of Single State Agencies (SSA) for Substance Abuse Services

Utah Alcoholism and Addiction Resources

If you’re looking for the best residential faith-based focus, Alpine Recovery Lodge may be a good fit for you. We offer holistic inpatient treatment for substance abuse addictions. Contact us for more information and tour our facility online.