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3 Tips to Creating an Effective Intervention

Substance abuse affects more than just the addicted.

It also takes its toll on the people who love them.

The addicted are mired in a vicious cycle where feelings of shame, anxiety, depression and other emotions are drowned out in alcohol or illicit drugs.

Those that care about them often react with anger, sadness, abandonment and negative emotions as the ravages of addiction take their toll on everyone.

It’s this dynamic that keeps families from finding the right answers to solving the addiction problem for a loved-one with an addiction problem.

When it’s clear this negative dynamic clouds the path to a cure, it may be time for an intervention. A structured intervention outside of the trappings of the addiction may be the best way to make the transition to sobriety.

But how is this done?

Tips for a Successful Intervention

An intervention must be carefully planned in order to be successful. A poorly planned intervention can make matters worse.

The first thing that’s needed is some organization.

This involves getting a team together as well as a qualified consultant to help create an effective intervention, because one’s better judgment is often disabled as a result of addiction, an expert at a Utah leading inpatient rehabilitation center can help tailor an event.

A qualified consultant educates family members prior to the invention so they know what to expect, which includes an emphasis on the well-being of the family or friends as well as the loved-one with an addiction.

Family members are also made aware that qualified consultant is there to do the heavy lifting. This leaves time for them to focus only being caring and supporting partners during this tough, life-altering transition.

The next aspect is to write down what will be said at the intervention.

Such topics might be:

  • Feelings: Part of the intervention process includes letting loved-ones know how they are affecting family and friends. Members are urged to let their loved-one know how their drinking or drug abuse is hurting them – whether it be financially, emotionally, or some other way.
  • Consequences: Members of the team should have a list of consequences prepared if their loved-one continues their behavior. It could be they may be asked to move out or lose the right to see their children.
  • A Loving Delivery: These messages to your loved-one are difficult to hear. Nerves will be touched and feelings hurt, but a trained and qualified professional will be there the whole way to direct the conversation. The aim is to create a safe and loving atmosphere in which to confront a loved-one’s inner demons.

The last steps are to hold the intervention and follow-up on the progress. Here’s a description from the Mayo Clinic of how the actual intervention will unfold:

“Without revealing the reason, the loved one is asked to the intervention site. Members of the core team then take turns expressing their concerns and feelings. The loved one is presented with a treatment option and asked to accept that option on the spot.”

The approach is relatively similar no matter where the intervention takes place, be it here at Alpine Recovery Lodge or another qualified drug or alcohol rehab facility. However, the more qualified center includes experts that can identify ways to individualize the intervention based on the needs of the family and loved-ones.

The final step is to follow-up on the intervention.

This could include making changes at home to help avoid situations that could lead to a relapse. It also means getting a family member a therapist to help them cope with the effects of substance abuse on their lives.

Do you or your family need a qualified Utah substance abuse rehab center? Contact Alpine Recovery Lodge today and let our highly-capable staff help you create the best intervention possible. Let’s transition away from the pain caused by unhealthy choices.